Wednesday, November 23, 2005

  • When would U use thread pooling ?
  • How would U implement a thread pool ?
  • What are worker queues and worker threads ?
  • Have U explored the java.util.concurrent package in Java 5.0 ?
  • What is a deadlock and a race condition ?

Thursday, October 13, 2005

What's the advantage of adding a "serialVersionUID" to a Java source file?

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

EJB Questions:
Give some examples of services offered by a EJB container?. What's the advantage of component model of software design?

How does the EJB container manage to intercept calls to a remote object and apply transactions, security?

Can an Entity EJB be dedicated to a single client?

What protocol is used when a EJB client communicates with a EJB server?

What's the difference btw EJB and CORBA models?

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

What's the difference between JSP include directive and include element?

Struts Questions

-- Explain the Struts architecture.
-- What are form-beans. Why are they required. Heard of DynaActionForm? Are form-beans required in Struts2?
-- How is form validation done in Struts?
-- Is validation done on server side of client side or both? Javascript vs Java?
-- Can there be more than one struts-config file?.
-- Can I change the name of the struts config file?
-- Can I use Tiles, Velocity template engine with struts?

-- What is the use of custom tags in JSP?
-- Would U use JSTL or Struts custom tags in Ur JSP pages?
-- What does the TLD file contain?
-- Difference between Struts 1.x and Struts 2.x?
-- How to use the MDC/NDC in Log4J with Struts? Where to put in the code? Which common place?
-- Can Struts2 be used with JSF?
-- How is AJAX handled in Struts 2?
-- Can we use JQuery instead of DWR?
-- Tiles vs IFrame? Pros and cons..
-- Can a single webapplication have some resources to be accessed thru HTTP and some by HTTPS?

Friday, September 23, 2005

If I declare a class as 'protected', can other classes in the same package access the class?

Monday, September 19, 2005

What is "inversion of control" design pattern? What is "dependency injection" ?

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Suppose U have a data collection (say a "arraylist"). U want to make sure that no one else can modify it. i.e. U want to make it immutable. How will U do it?
What would U do if U need a "Multi-Map" collection? i.e. U have a collection where one key may map to many values.
Can a Java class be private or protected?
What is the advantage of Inner classes over encapsulation?
I can make a class as "package" access. Will this not suffice ? Why do I need Inner classes?

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

How will U debug a Java program that has several threads running?
If U place a break-point somewhere, will all threads be suspended or only a single thread?

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

What's the difference between the 'java.exe' and 'javaw.exe' processes?
When to use what?

Monday, June 27, 2005

A circular project dependency occurs when two or more projects depend on each other. For example: FileOne in ProjectA depends on FileTwo in ProjectB, and FileThree in ProjectB depends on FileFour back in ProjectA.

How will U solve such dependencies in Java ?

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Suppose U have a file that needs to be shared between a Java application and a non-Java application for writing/reading. How will U do it ?

Friday, June 17, 2005

Why does the Java language make it mandatory to have wait() and notify() inside a synchronized block?
What's the difference btw the notify() and notifyAll() method?
When should U use what?
Why should wait() and notify() methods be placed inside a synchronized block?

Monday, June 13, 2005

What is a race condition? How is it different from a dead-lock?

Thursday, June 09, 2005

What's the difference between a CORBA object and a servant?

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

  • What are boot-strap classes in Java?
  • What is a Class Loader? Can we write our own Class Loader?
  • What is class Class?

What is obfuscation and how does it work?
How to Decompilers work ?

Monday, June 06, 2005

U develop an application that supports various languages using globalization. How will U compare or sort strings?. Will the == or equals() method suffice?

Thursday, June 02, 2005

What is the double-buffering technique used in almost all GUIs? Do Java Swing components use double-buffering?
  • Can the return type of a overloaded method be different?
  • Can I override a private method of a class? (Remember that private methods are not accessible to subclasses)
  • How is synchronization done between threads?
  • What is a object lock or mutex?
  • What is a class lock? How can we obtain a class lock.
  • Can I use any arbitary object as a lock? (For e.g. Object myLock = new Object() )

  • What's the difference between an ArrayList and a Vector?
  • Can I make a ArrayList shynchronized?
  • What's the difference between a List and a Set?
  • What data-structures have U used in Ur project and what were Ur deciding factors on the choice of collection object?
  • Ever heard of a "Muti-Map" collection object?
  • Which collection object in Java is best if U want fast searching?
  • How will U do a binary search on a ArrayList?
What's the difference between AWT and SWING? Ever heard of SWT?
  • How does GC occur in Java?
  • Ever heard of soft references, weak references, phantom references? What is their use?
  • When do U get a "OutOfMemory" error?
  • What are root nodes?